How To Attract A Guy You like? 7 Best Ways To Attract a Man

When it comes to men, we women often try to be subtle and play hard to get. It’s almost natural to make him work for it.

But what if he doesn’t? What do you do then? How to attract a guy you like? or you are in Love With? How to make him obsessed with you?

There are really no rules when it comes to love, but here are a few tips that may help you attract the guy you like. From a man’s perspective, these qualities set you apart, and if you can perfect them, he won’t be able to look anywhere else but at you. So, here is how to attract a man?

7 Best Ways to Attract a Man

1. How to Attract a Guy You Like? Be Confident Around Him

Absolute confidence is hot. It is extremely appealing to see a woman who is self-assured as it makes you a high-value woman. A guy finds it quite attractive when you just show interest in him. Everyone loves it when someone is interested in them; it makes them feel unique and desirable. So don’t hide in the corner when he is around; pay attention to him instead and look him in the eyes when you talk to him. 

2. How To Attract a Guy You Like? Show Excitement to Hear About What He Has To Say

Physical attractiveness isn’t the only factor that makes a man fall in love with you. You must be able to capture his interest and attention. Luckily, positive reactions exude warmth and indicate interest, so use them. Show interest when he is talking about his hobbies, professional achievements, or something enjoyable he did recently with pals. When you are curious about how his day went, you become a highly attractive person!

3.Compliment Him Quite Often

Whether it is a man or a woman, who doesn’t like being complimented? 

Your love interest may become more flirtatious and attracted to you if you do so and show interest in you. So don’t be hesitant to approach him directly and compliment him. This will signal him that you are interested, opening the door for him to keep in touch with you, and at the same time, this will highlight your kind, amiable nature.

4.How To Attract a Guy You Like?Dress Nice For Him

Simple clothing that accentuates your figure is quite popular with guys. Typically, men don’t enjoy or follow fashion trends, so stay away from somewhat odd fashion choices. Instead, opt for something comfortable that gives you a sense of self-assurance since men appreciate women who are at ease in their own skin.

5.Play With Your Hair

One nonverbal sign of romantic desire is flipping your hair. Simply letting a guy know you are interested in him is one of the best ways to make an impression on him. According to studies, nearly 90% of men believe that when a woman touches, flips, or twists hair around the fingers, she is into them.

6.Laugh at His Jokes

Men are drawn to those who find humor in themselves. This gives him the impression that you two are related through a similar quick wit. 

Additionally, most men think laughing is cute. Add a laugh to your chat to demonstrate that you enjoy his humor and him. Even from a distance, laughing can make you appear carefree and amiable, which are traits that he would like. When you have a smile on your face, you appear more appealing. You actually instantaneously become more desirable to your lover by grinning at him. On top of that, guys completely find you appealing since you come off as laid-back, cheerful, and friendly.

7.Be Gentle & Kind

In the end, gentleness triumphs! Kindness is among the most important qualities that appeal to all people. Although we might not immediately consider this, it makes perfect sense. We converse and argue differently when kindness is our starting point, and men love that. So, always show your kind side in all types of settings. It will make you appear a gentle soul, and who does not love that?

So, there you have it; now you know how to make a guy want you. Use these tips and make him work to get you by his side.


“In conclusion, while these 7 methods can significantly enhance your chances of attracting a guy you like, it’s important to remember that attraction is a two-way street. If he doesn’t feel the same way, even the best strategies may not work. It’s crucial to recognize and respect his feelings. Remember, finding someone who appreciates and reciprocates your feelings is key to a meaningful and fulfilling relationship.

So, give these tips a try, but also be prepared to move forward gracefully if things don’t work out. Your worth isn’t defined by one person’s affection, and the right person for you will be attracted to you for who you are.”

This conclusion reinforces the value of mutual attraction and the importance of self-worth, regardless of the outcome.

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